The Eruptors - Bad Time To Be Having a Good Time (2007)
'Bad Time To Be Having a Good Time' was the first release by British/Irish hard rock band The Eruptors.
The CD cover just screams old school rock & metal and immediately I'm thinking AC DC/Motorhead.
So what is the music like? Well rock fans this really has been made for you. Quite simply it is pure hard garage rock with influences ranging from The Doors, Beatles, Rock & Roll, and NWOBHM. You can also hear punk in the background suggesting the band has some punk roots which fits with their in your face style of dirty rock.
The best way I can describe the Eruptors is picture a garage rock band from Nevada with a few pyschobilly elements waking up in a sci fi movie & starting to jam.
Gravelrash (track 4) oozes hard rock with garage/psychobilly overtones with a little section of blues appearing halfway through the song. One of the stand out tracks on the CD which would get most fans of those genres swinging each other in circles or bottles of whisky in unison.
Next we arrive with 'One Minute Decision' (track 5) that firmly brings the listener back to pure straight old school rock with a hard edge. 'Bad Time To Be Having a Good Time' is a heavily rock orientated album that reminds me of The Doors without their keyboard player and a little added hardness to the music. There are notable spoken intros in the vein of Jim Morrison between tracks that matches the dark atmosphere and feel of the CD.
The Eruptors take you on a rock n roll journey through science fiction that gives you the impression of a garage rock band jamming on an inter stellar star ship surrounded by evil aliens intent on destroying their vessel, but are kept at bay by the boys cranking out their riffs.
Personally I'd recommend the Eruptors to classic rock lovers and maybe even stoner fans would find something here. The music & vibe in places certainly has a Primus feel to it.
Look out for forthcoming reviews of other Eruptors releases 'Seduce & Destroy' (2009), and 'Microwave Massacre' (Japanese release). We also have an exclusive interview with the band & a feature article with further information on gigs etc that will be posted soon!
Check out the Eruptors on myspace: www.myspace.com/eruptors
Anyone interested in playing with the Eruptors or finding out more about their music can contact them at: eruptors@hotmail.com
The Eruptors CDs can be ordered from all good record stores/online retailers and Plastic 7
Also available direct from the band through email or via the myspace page.
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